Frequently asked Questions

Can Chip Trader can integrate with my accounting system ?

Chip Trader currently works with the most popular account systems such as Xero, QuickBooks, Sage 50, Sage Cloud, ABC and FreeAgent/Fabio. We are adding new accounting systems all the time so if yours is not currently supported please talk with our sales team and they will be able to find out when support is due to be added and give you options to help get it expedited.

Chip Trader currently links with common banks such as Lloyds, Metro, HSBC, Santander, Starling, Wise and Barclays to pay drivers. We are adding new banks all the time so if yours is not currently supported please talk with our sales team and they will be able to find out when support is due to be added and give you options to help get it expedited.

Yes! Chip Trader is browser based so will work on any PC, Desktop, Apple or Android device.

As part of the set up fee we will do what is needed to get you up and running & comfortable using the system. Changing your business system is a big move but rest assured we will support you the whole way.

Most of the time we will do training remotely but depending on the size of your operation we can also arrange on site training to support you.